Hidden Death

Hidden Death
Romantic Suspense set in the Keys


Thursday, February 5, 2009

It is still cold!

It's February, and we are still getting nasty cold fronts from the frozen north. The 89 year old gentleman I take care of is threatening to move to Cancun, and I keep telling him to take me with him.
I'm making dinner tomorrow night for my whole dock, and it may be too cold to stand out side, and no one has a boat big enough for all of us. Anything under 65 degrees with a stiff wind is too cold for us!
I would postpone, but we are celebrating the birthday of one of our oldest residents. My menu is really easy. Public grocery store has receipe cards they give out free, and this one is pasta with Italian sausage.
Some of our friends docked last night aboard "Dual Dreams." It's a larger version of our boat, and I got a terrible case of green eyed envy. My boat seems to shrink every year. Two nights ago we got an inch of rain and when the sun came out, it shrunk another foot. At this rate I am going to be living in a row boat. :)

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